- For over a year now: rehabilitation of the shipyard at La Passagère and its environment, taken on, with courage and an encouraging vision for the future, by Julien Reemers, to whom we give our discreet but concrete support. Information will be given out soon about this project (see also the ‘Partners’ rubric).
Aerial view of the “Passagère”
- New perspectives for the Quelmer site: the former presence of Maupertuis and Jean-Baptiste Charcot in this neighbourhood, the proximity of renowned Malouinières (country manor houses), one of whose owners has a project to house a learning centre based on the sciences of navigation and exploration, allied with both a socially and environmentally responsible approach, are aspects which are particularly pertinent to our objective.
We are strongly supporting these projects and following their progress attentively. Both are due to start summer 2017.